Razpis: Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme

Interreg projekti / Interreg projects
Rok za prijavo: 01 feb. 2019 Objavljeno: 20 feb. 2018 Predviden proračun razpisa: 298.987.026 EUR
Identifikacijska oznaka razpisaInterreg Alpine Space 2014–2020
Objava v Uradnem listu EURegulation (EU) No 1303/2013
Več informacijhttp://www.interreg-central.eu
The Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) objective, which supports regional cooperation among central European countries during the programming period 2014-2020.

Key variables of the programme were agreed by the participating Member States following thorough consultations with relevant partners and stakeholders. They are described in de-tail in the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE cooperation programme document, which was adopted by the European Commission on 16 December 2014. It can be downloaded from www.interreg-central.eu.
In the following sections a brief overview is provided on the programme area, the strategic programme orientation, the programme budget and its management structure. However, the main source of information on several key aspects to be considered when preparing a project proposal remains the cooperation programme document.

Compared to the 2007-2013 period, the pro-gramme area now covers also Croatia while west-ern regions of Ukraine are not included any more.
The Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme is financed by the European Regional Develop-ment Fund (ERDF) supplemented by match funding from projects (national counterpart). The ERDF contribution to the programme amounts to around EUR 246,6 million ERDF.
The overall programme budget including also the national counterpart amounts to around EUR 299 million.

NOTE!!!!The third call for proposals closed on 25 January 2018. 191 project proposals will now undergo the administrative and thematic quality checks. New projects are expected to start early 2019 with funding of around 60 million Euro ERDF.

There is currently no call for project proposals open.