We are happy to announce the Third 5GINFIRE Open Call “Innovative experiments”.
Call information:
Call identifier: 5ginfire-3 – 3rd 5GINFIRE Open Call “Innovative experiments”
Submission deadline: 27 February 2019 at 17:00 Brussels local time
Mandatory feasibility check deadline: 13 February 2019 at 17:00 Brussels local time
Call objectives:
The main technical objective of 5GinFIRE is to build and operate an open and extensible 5G NFV-based reference (Open5G-NFV) ecosystem of experimental facilities that not only integrates existing FIRE facilities with new vertical-specific ones, but also lays down the foundations for instantiating fully softwarized architectures of vertical industries and experimenting with them. The initial instantiation of the Open5G-NFV ecosystem was targeted to the automotive vertical industry requirements, addressed across state-of-the-art 5G infrastructures. However, it is as generic as possible in order to host other verticals applications.
In alignment with the overall project objectives 5GINFIRE is organising a competitive open call targeting external organisations, including industry, SMEs, research institutions, and academia, interested in performing experiments on the top of the infrastructure provided by 5GinFIRE. This 5GinFIRE open call invites experimenters to use the 5GINFIRE experimental facilities, taking advantage of the provided testbed features such as SDN, NFV and VxFs to test vertical applications.
Available funding:
· Maximum of 75,000€ funding per accepted proposal
· Total of 450,000€ is available for this Open Call
· At least three experiments from SMEs will be accepted in this call (if ranked above threshold)
Complete Open Call announcement can be find in the attached document and further detailed information is available on the 5GINFIRE project website at https://5ginfire.eu/. If you have any further questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at contact@5GinFIRE.eu (The contact e-mail address is archived.).
2. Posredujemo vam profil malteške organizacije, ki bi želela sodelovati na razpisu ICT-30-2019 (An empowering, inclusive Next Generation Internet). V primeru interesa jih kontaktirajte direktno, se pa priporočamo za povratno obvestilo.
METIS ES was formed following support action and collaboration with Education4Sight GMbH in the CRISS H2020 project.
METIS ES is seeking a beneficiary role within a consortium for the ICT-30-2019 Innovation Action and can provide expertise in data analytics for digital learning with support to tech start-ups.
Contact email - glenn@metiseducative.com
Kindly disseminate within your networks.
Thanks in Advance.
Mark Meilak
National Contact Point Executive for ICT, Nanotechnology & Secure Societies
E-mail: mark.meilak@gov.mt
Telephone: +356 2360 2181
URL: http://www.mcst.gov.mt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/h2020malta/
3. Posredujemo vam objavo 2. razpisa evropskega projekta TETRAMAX za eksperimente s področja sistemov in interneta stvari. Zaključni rok je 31. marec 2019.
Apply for seed-funding for Value Chain Oriented and Interdisciplinary Technology Transfer Experiments
TETRAMAX is an EU-funded project that provides access to latest technology and services in the area of customized low-energy computing for cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things. Investing in this domain will have impact on production efficiency, performance and energy savings. Therefore, TETRAMAX offers funding to SMEs, other companies and academics to experiment with new digitization technologies while minimizing the financial risk of a new investment.
This is a TETRAMAX call for mid-term (12-18 months) application experiments, implemented between at least three partners from at least two different EU countries:
One partner providing a particular novel Customized Low-energy Computing hardware or software technology,
One partner testing and deploying the technology in its dedicated - possibly even non-tech - products with its end customers
One partner productizing this technology as a “platform” for a long-term wider market.
Financial support is up to 100K.
Details on the call: www.tetramax.eu/ttx/calls/tetramax-valuechain-ttx-2/ Being the coordinator, Prof. Rainer Leupers, Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems at RWTH Aachen University, is pleased to announce the 2nd open call for this type of TTX. Read out the call details and submit your innovative TTX proposal by March 31, 2019!
4. Posredujemo vam vabilo na dogodek "Exoskeletons and Soft Wearable Robotics Day with live demonstrations", ki ga organizira evropski projekt XoSoft v Amsterdamu 14. marca. V kolikor vas dogodek zanima, se hitro prijavite, saj je število sodelujočih omejeno.
As the final XoSoft event, we are currently organising a one-day Exoskeletons and Soft Wearable Robotics Day which we thought could be of interest to you as the National Contact Point for ICT as well as your network. We are therefore happy to invite you and your network to join us in Amsterdam in the Netherlands on Thursday, 14th March 2019.
The event will provide you with:
Key note talks from three experts in the field of wearable robotics from the perspective of an engineer and a clinician as well as from a soft exoskeleton start-up company.
Project pitches to get an insight into the results and share the experience of five EU funded wearable robotics projects.
An opportunity to see live demonstrations of multiple exoskeletons and prototypes in action.
Interactive workshop sessions on “EU funding opportunities” and “Standardisation and Benchmarking for wearable robotics”.
Networking with more than 50 stakeholders from industry and academia to discuss potential collaboration and business opportunities.
Further details can be found on the XoSoft website.
If you would like to attend, please register online to secure your place. Participation is free of charge. However, places are limited and will be given on a first register, first serve basis! If you wish to forward this invitation to some of your contacts for whom the event may also be of interest, please feel free to do so, or put us in contact.
Uradna spletna povezava okvirnega programa Obzorje 2020 (Horizon 2020) pri Evropski komisiji:http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/
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